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Dance Bootcamps

Dance Bootcamps are normally 1 or 2 days on Saturdays and/or Sundays. An average bootcamp will be fromaround 3 to 5 hours per day.


The idea of a dance Bootcamp is to spend a full day (or two) in a smaller, focused group where everyone is of a similar level. This enables the Instructor to structure the day around a specific level and make sure everyone gets the best out of their day.


Where Bootcamps are for Leaders and Followers we try to sell an even numbers of tickets so that no lead or follow is waiting too long for a partner.


The topics for the Bootcamp will be explained in the advertising so you know exactly what to expect and whether it is for you, before you book.


Every Bootcamp is different. An average Bootcamp is around 5 to 6 hours per day. Some will continue later in the evening with a social session. Some will include an overnight stay with a 2nd day of tuition.


What level am I?

This is a very difficult question because every dance school has a different structure. At Live to Dance EU we follow a strict syllabus and progressive learning pattern in our general (weekly) classes as follows:



Beginners L 1 – Introduction                                      

Beginners L 2 – Plus                                                 

Beginners L 3 – Accelerated                                   

Beginners L 4 - Move me on to Improver              




Improver L 1 – Fundamentals                                 

Improver L 2 – Plus                                                 

Improver L 3 – Accelerated                                  

Improver L 4 - Move me on to Intermediate        






Intermediate L1 – Fundamentals                                        

Intermediate L2 - Plus 1

Intermediate L3 - Plus 2

Intermediate L4 - Accelerated 1

Intermediate L5 - Accelerated 2        

Intermediate L6 - Move me on to Advanced                  ​



Advanced - by invitation only



Each level is consists of 6 classes. Which means that you will be a Beginner for 6 months, and Improver for 6 months and an Intermediate for a minimum 1 year, possible 2 years. Advanced is only ever by invitation and quite often people spend longer in the Intermediate, repeating and perfecting some of the Accelerated Levels.


As a rough guide / comparison if you have been dancing elsewhere for 2 nights per week and out to social dance 1 night per week, we would estimate your level as follows:


Beginner (approximately 0 - 6 months experience)

Improver (approximately 6 - 12 months experience)

Improver Plus (approximately 12 - 24 months experience)

Intermediate (approximately 24 - 36 months experience)

Advanced (over 36 months experience)


What’s so important about the Live to Dance EU Syllabus?

As described above, we have a comprehensive syllabus which helps ensure that you work through your Salsa experience in an intuitive way, gradually progression through essential techniques. You will learn key techniques and individual figures (individual moves) through the first part of each level. Then towards the end of each level you will learn how to put these ‘moves’ together yourself, you will learn to lead and follow each technique, we never teach routines or patterns..


For Salsa Bootcamps specifically:

If you have not learnt with us from the beginning of your Salsa journey you may find you have missed crucial elements of the LA Style Salsa technique. We have been teaching LA Style since 1997 and stay true to a number of the ‘show’ elements of LA Style which made it so captivating to watch on the stage.


Where do I start?

We always recommend starting at an entry level Bootcamp. If you are unsure which Bootcamp to select then please speak to us directly. There is nothing worse than attending a Bootcamp with 20 people and finding you are the worst one in the group and everything is above your level. You will feel deflated, unmotivated and probably never want to dance again.. and that’s not what we want!


Do I need to book with a partner?

No you don’t, but it would be great if you did. We limit the numbers in our Bootcamps where possible. However we switch partners throughout so you need to be prepared to swap with other students. This is standard practice in the social dance scene.



How do I book?

  1. Decide which Bootcamp is suitable for you (if in doubt., please ask us)

  2. Click on the ‘Book now’ option under your chosen Bootcamp

  3. You will be taken to our booking schedule to complete your booking.

  4. You will be able to pay by any major Credit or Debit Card or Paypal

  5. You will receive a Booking confirmation email after payment









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